Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Hey all! Thanks for the comments you´ve left me. I realized I had my settings set to prevent non-members of Blogger from commenting; I´ve now fixed that. Anyway, nothing too spectacular has happened the last two days. More classes, more exploring the city with the other three Keene-staters. We went to Marie´s house today, which is way out on the edge of the city, and had a picnic in her backyard with chips and beer. We also went to the Museo de Guayasamín. This didn´t strike me as particularly interesting until I walked into the art exhibit and realized I had been there before, on my last trip to Quito! I had this sudden epiphany, and I said as much out loud, and got some really weird looks from the other three.

Anyway, what IS exciting is that I´ve finally managed to upload my photos to the ´net. I tried to post them here but they got cropped. I´ll try again when I´ve got a little more time, so check back!


Anonymous said...

Hi Katherine. It sounds like you are soaking all of this in and taking advantage of every chance you get to try new things. Keep us posted, travel safe, and have fun!

-Beth & Mike

Epicure said...

I wonder how many other sights will give you that sense of deja vu? You'll be feeling right at home soon!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if this will be a timely message but HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
Grumpy Grams

Anonymous said...

Blogger would not accept my password so I used anonymous. Grumpy Gram or GG for great granma