Friday, January 11, 2008


I think every blog I've ever had has started with a post called "Introduction." Unimaginative it may be, but I can't think of anything more appropriate.

Anyway, this is to be the blog of my adventures in Quito, Ecuador, where I am spending the spring semester of 2008! I'm leaving on Friday the 18th, in just eight days, and I'm going crazy preparing. I went to Needham, MA yesterday and got my visa from the Ecuadorian Consulate. I was pleasantly surprised to find it $150 cheaper than I had expected.

I'm trying to simultaneously clean, organize, and dejunk my room, pack for my trip, and pack my room enough that it can be moved should mom manage to sell the house while I'm gone. This is just as huge and irritating a process as it sounds, but I'm actually doing all right with it.

I probably won't have much to say here until I'm actually in Quito, but then I hope to be updating fairly frequently, so check back often. And keep in mind that I love comment candy!

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