Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Una Foto y Más Notas

I forgot to post this when it was taken back in January, but here's a picture from the Delaware group's cocktail at the school. Me, mom, and Rachel:


In completely random not-really-news, watching the Ecovía slowly fall apart is a rather entertaining thing. Each bus has its own problems, and there are many buses. Some of them have dented ramps, or ramps where the traction stripes have rubbed off (those are really fun in the rain). One or two of the stations have lost bars out of the spiky exit turnstiles. I have no idea how you rip a bar off one of those things, but apparently someone figured it out. They must have been having a violent day.

Honestly, that amuses me more than the problems with the buses, because those turnstyles are the nemesis of a lot of people. If you are not paying very careful attention when you go through, the result can be your foot jammed underneath the thing with a severe pain in your heel, or a sharp smack in the face with a metal bar.

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