Friday, February 1, 2008

A Rainy Week

I'm holed up in what must be the worst internet cafê in Quito (see how I couldn't get the right accent on cafe because this keyboard is completely screwed up), and also the most American. My mom had a coupon for a half hour of free internet in the Mariscal, or the tourist district, so I set out to find the place. Find it I did, but it's really not great. The only attractions are that it's cheap and they actually serve food and drinks here. But I can outtype this poor old computer without even trying, and sometimes it gets so overwhelmed that it just forgets half of what I've typed and drops it. It doesn't even have USB ports, meaning I can't upload my latest photos.

As long as I'm complaining, it's freezing cold (by Quiteño standards) and pouring rain, and it's been raining all week. I caught a cold from Liz's brother and I feel disgusting, complete with nasty cough. At least I can sleep in for the next few days, since I have Monday and Tuesday off from school for Carnaval. I'm considering going to Ambato over the weekend, because there's an awesome-sounding fruit parade that I want to see. My mom said it would be cheap to stay there, but Liz's sister said it would be expensive because it's a party weekend, so I may be staying here. Meri keeps asking what my plans are for the weekend and I have to keep saying that I don't know. I was considering going out to the bar tonight, but since I'm sick I think I'd rather stay in and sleep. The weather's supposed to be better next week, so maybe (I hope) it will start this weekend.

I could have sworn that I had something interesting to say; in fact, I know I came up with something earlier, but I seem to have forgotten it completely. The days are all starting to run together here; life is actually surprisingly boring in this town. I finally went back to the post office today to buy stamps, and I once again managed to make myself that unpopular foreigner. First the guy told me to go to the desk in the corner to get stamps to sen d to the US, but there wasn't anyone there, so he waved me back. Then I had to pay with a 20, 'cos it was all I had, and he got pissy about that too. I would have thought that at least the post office would have larger change than the small stores, but apparently not. Now that I've blown my daily budget on stamps, though, at least I can send postcards! However, I don't think I'll do it again anytime soon, given how expensive stamps are.

Anyway, I really only have one more class for this cycle, which is on Wednesday. Thursday we have final exams (yeah, for a 3-week class, w00t), and then Friday we have placement exams to get into U classes, followed by a full day of orientations. Like that's not enough, Saturday is also a full day of orientations. Some birthday I have to look forward to! I think Friday night I'll drag my friends out to the bar, no matter how early we have to get up on Saturday.

I've confirmed my mailing address, by the way, so I'll post it again for your reading pleasure.
Kati Skipper
c/o Bermeo
Paris 747 y Luis Pasteur
Jipijapa, Quito

On a side note from a few minutes later...there is one thing to be said for this place, and that is that they have very good hot chocolate.

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