Monday, June 2, 2008

Life in the US

The summer has gotten off to a rousing start...I moved to South Deerfield the week after I got home, and am now mostly settled in. That was all well and good, until I was on my way home from job-hunting on Thursday night. Craig and I had just stopped at Starbucks and had a coffee and an orange juice, respectively. I pulled up behind a car that was sitting in the street, waiting to make a left turn. We were there for quite a while, just minding our own business and chatting, when suddenly another car hit us from behind, crumpling the trunk and pushing us into the waiting car.

The cops must have been bored; we attracted six cruisers as well as a firetruck and an ambulance. Craig and I rode in the ambulance to the hospital - he the potential injury, I the accompanying friend. The verdict, a couple of hours later, was a concussion. It turned out that although he had been wearing his seatbelt, he had just leaned forward to grab something off the floor when the other car hit us, and his head encountered the A-pillar with some force. He's got a nice mark to show for it, too.


Peeves' modifications!
Coffee and OJ everywhere:

My guess was that the guy was about my age and a UMass student. Craig's guess was that he was high on something, because he kept trying to start his car, saying, "I gotta get out of here, I gotta get out of here." At that point his engine was under my gas tank, and all the fluids that had ever been in his car were running down the street into the gutter.

The next day we found out that he was 19, a UMass student, and was arrested on OUI. He was not only driving dad's car, but a company car...and I'm guessing daddy isn't pleased.